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Please choose at least one activity to do per week while we are away from school. You can "turn in" your work by telling me which activity your student did in the comments section. You can also add a photo of their artwork in the comments section if you would like.

Drawing Bingo

For this activity, students choose a variety of drawing themes to see if they can get
"Bingo". Click on the W to the right to download the "Drawing Bingo" card. 

Shape Artwork

Create an artwork using all different types of shapes! Do you remember how to draw a hexagon? If not, check out the video below for a review!

Rainbow Color Artwork

Create an artwork using all the colors of the rainbow. If you need a review of the rainbow colors, check out the video below! 

Rainbow Colors Video

Some of our favorite videos from class

Add photos of your artwork here in the comments section!

Found Objects name

found objects name.jpg

Paper Tube Owl

Listen to the story "The Silent Owl" then create your very own owl out of a toilet paper/paper towel tube! 

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